
Source of All Hope

You Are a Missionary

A few months ago, I would have never considered myself a missionary. All this changed, nonetheless, thanks to a divine rebuke I perceived during a small gathering at the missionary house. Dr. Ian Murphy, a Catholic speaker and author, came to speak about his own experience with missionary work and his personal faith journey from...
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Let the Children Come to Me: Vlad’s Story

It is always a surprise when we run into our friend Vlad. Since he lives on the streets, he doesn’t always have a regular spot, and he always seems to be up to something new, chasing a new adventure or idea. The first time we had a solid conversation with Vlad, we talked for almost...
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Meaning of Love of Neighbor

In the letter of St. James we find what might be the thesis statement for Catholic charity work. The “social justice” part of the Church, if you will. “What does it profit, my brethren, if a man says he has faith but has not works? Can his faith save him? If a brother or sister...
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Change Baltimore. Change the World.

I have had the privilege to travel all around the world. Each place I’ve visited has been unique. However, there was one thing I noticed to be a common denominator in every place I visited–American culture. In Mexico, I couldn’t escape the Coca Cola products and advertisements. In Lima, Peru, there were billboards lining the...
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“Your Family is Looking for You”

A few months ago, I had the honor of celebrating my 23rd birthday with the beautiful people of Baltimore. As hard as it is to be a missionary in a new city, God always has a way of providing new and unexpected gifts. This year, I was able to be a part of a miracle...
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Life Lessons from the Homeless #1 – FAITH

“O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” These are Christ’s words to Peter, taken from the passage where Jesus walks on water towards the disciples’ boat. At the beckoning of Christ, Peter steps out of the boat and walks upon the sea, but when he saw the strength of the wind and the...
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The Art of Wasting Time

As missionaries, we are committed to wasting time. Our schedule is frequently blocked off with long hours dedicated to mastering this lost art form. Why are we so committed to wasting time? Have we gone off the deep end after reading a new age pamphlet, abandoning mission work in favor of a bizarre means of...
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Let Baltimore Burn

I know A LOT about fire. Seriously. I’ve spent a third of my life studying fire. I went to a university that offered classes taught by world experts in fire science and spent several years researching wildfires. And you know what I’ve realized more and more? There is SO MUCH that I don’t know about...
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Into the Holes of the Poor

“Pray that I get back to life. Not this life. One that’s worth living.” These are the anguished words of a homeless man on a busy street in Baltimore. I’ve seen him several times before, but today he opens up and pours out his story as I sit down and listen. He stares into the...
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