


Embrace a daily rhythm of prayer and the Eucharist as the heart of all we do.


Live in a household of young men or women urging one another on towards holiness.


Benefit from daily spiritual, intellectual, and human formation.


Encounter Christ in the Poor. Bring Adoration to Baltimore. Evangelize. Lead others on mission.


We believe that authentic friendship is transformative. Our friendship starts with a radical life of prayer and then flows into the streets, where we encounter and befriend Christ in the homeless. As we accompany our friends from the street through joys and sorrows, they teach us what it means to love. We then share this love with all we encounter, bringing the needs of our friends before Christ in the Eucharist—the Source of All Hope.


Accompanying our brothers and sisters–many of whom suffer tremendously–is beyond our strength. We have no choice but to rely on Jesus, the Source of ALL hope, to sustain us. For this reason, a committed life of prayer is the pillar upon which all other aspects of our community hinge. Missionaries come to know Jesus through a daily rhythm of prayer, Eucharistic adoration, and spiritual formation… Read More


Dwelling together as a community of brothers and sisters is one of the greatest blessings of our life. As we experience the acceptance of others in our community, we discover that, despite our flaws and inherent brokenness, we are still lovable. Our work with the poor begins at home… Read More


We are made in the image and likeness of God (cf. Gen 1:26) and are destined to be healed and raised by grace to become partakers of the divine nature (2 Pet. 1:4) through being configured to Christ. In baptism, we became members of Christ’s body. Throughout our Christian lives, we are to called into a deeper and more personal union with Christ, so that what Paul wrote of himself becomes true of us: “I have been crucified with Christ: it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me; and the life I live now in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loves me and gave himself for me” (Gal. 2:20). Read More


We take a unique and radical approach to the crisis of homelessness. While most programs address physical needs, we focus on addressing a deeper poverty–the pain of loneliness and isolation on the streets. Our approach is simple: we pursue and befriend the forgotten ones in our midst and share life with them day after day. We are not here to serve the poor–we’re here to love them… Read More


Risk an encounter with Christ in the poor. You will never be the same.

Year of Mission

Who: 12 young men and women

When: August 15, 2025 – July 12, 2026

Fundraising: $1650/month

Monthly stipend + Room & Board provided.

Summer Mission Opportunities

Opportunities for week-long or full-summer mission terms. Click below for more information or to apply today!

Friday Street Walks

Who: College-aged men and women 

Where: Baltimore, Maryland

When: Fridays @ 1:30 PM

Cost:  FREE! *Sign Up/Registration required

Saturday Meal Ministry

Who: Anyone 18 years older 

Where: Baltimore, Maryland (Martin Luther King Boulevard and Pratt St.)

When: Every Saturday @ Noon

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