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You Are a Missionary

A few months ago, I would have never considered myself a missionary. All this changed, nonetheless, thanks to a divine rebuke I perceived during a small gathering at the missionary house. Dr. Ian Murphy, a Catholic speaker and author, came to speak about his own experience with missionary work and his personal faith journey from...
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Let the Children Come to Me: Vlad’s Story

It is always a surprise when we run into our friend Vlad. Since he lives on the streets, he doesn’t always have a regular spot, and he always seems to be up to something new, chasing a new adventure or idea. The first time we had a solid conversation with Vlad, we talked for almost...
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Meaning of Love of Neighbor

In the letter of St. James we find what might be the thesis statement for Catholic charity work. The “social justice” part of the Church, if you will. “What does it profit, my brethren, if a man says he has faith but has not works? Can his faith save him? If a brother or sister...
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